Thursday, September 10, 2009

we all fall down

well, summer in Chicago is spent and gone by the wayside making room for the return to school daze of September. Yet, not once did I check back here with details of our exploits or adventures. my apologies.
In truth there weren't many exploits or adventures. Without a car and in the heat we did not go many places or do many things. Throughout the days of June and July we went to the park, the library, and the nature preseves we could reach by foot. And, in the evenings after Scott came home we roamed a little farther but mostly the two of them went bike riding or walked around the block.
Amber HATED the new gymnastics teacher and a few of the fellow students who were down right mean to her. It was a disaster but the money was spent so I insisted she keep trying. Even though she was a trooper and kept going I did not enjoy watching her begin to dislike the sport so I finally relented and let her bail on the last two classes.
Near the end of July I had dental surgery and I am just now days away from full recovery. 7 weeks on liquid/soft food diet with the reward of a 20 lbs weightloss. While that is fantastic I still do not enjoy mushy food. I am so stoked to finally be able to eat grains again and have been perfecting my risotto.
School started a few weeks ago and we've already battled the first set of cold bugs. Yea! for airbourne, I really think it was the major factor in our speedy recovery. This minor illness prevented Amber from being in school the day of the controversial presidental speech. And, although her school did show the speech they limited it to grades 3 and up so she would have had to view it at home with me anyway... But, still I'm kinda irked that her absence could be ASSumed as a protest on my part.

1 comment:

  1. We've avoided the flu thus far. I am now off to knock on lots and lots of wood to combat THAT statement...
